Don’t lose that idea.

Don’t lose that idea. In this post: Introspection that introduces the way I think about the place where ideas come from and what that has to do with Christmas trees. I guess a lot of people have forgotten the holidays but, as I first thought about this content while I was on vacation, I will…

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Have we become a social media-centered society?

Have we become a social media-centered society? In this post: A very short post and several questions about modern society, the choices that we made to use the tools that we have at our disposal or become the servants of the tools we need to function in the 21st century. I have a question for…

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The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility and other things that I never think about

TThe Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility and other things that I never think about In this post: What is a fact without context, knowledge frameworks, and The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. Think about something that you never or almost never think about. Something neutral, not something dramatic or two charged with negative connotations, nothing…

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Where science and art openly hang out

Where science and art openly hangout In this post: Some Scanning Electron Micrographs (SEMs) from those bygone days in which I would loose myself into the tiny world that only electrons unaided could see. Isn’t it weird to be nostalgic about metallic and semiconducting electrodes? SEM stands for Scanning Electron Microscopy which is an imaging…

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The streets of London under a skyline of construction cranes

Español The streets of London under a skyline of construction cranes. In this post: Our staycation exploring the streets of London under the new shopping arcades and the skyline dotted with construction cranes. Life is getting interesting; I am not going to explain the many ways in which that is happening but I am swamped…

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One of those days and fond memories of Alaska

One of those days and fond memories of Alaska It appears to be one of those days in which I get lost in an ocean of noise. I am alone, abandoned by all my assumptions. Who am I? What am I? What can I do with this who and that what? I urged myself to…

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I’m so happy I spent my life climbing trees

Español Uni II: I’m so Happy I spent my life climbing trees In this post: This is the second part of a four part series covering things that I didn’t know one could get a college degree on. If you enjoyed the previous post and are tempted by a career y parapsychology then you know…

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You majored in what?

Español Uni I: You majored in what? In this post: Did you go to college? Do you ever wonder if you could have picked a more interesting or glamorous discipline than the one you majored in? And if you didn’t go to college because everything sounded so boring you didn’t see what was the point,…

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Working on happiness

Working on happiness In this post: I share my views on happiness, as simple as that. Everybody has her own idea of what it is and what it does and how it comes about. I do too. Here you go. People think that happiness is something that comes to you in the form of lucky…

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What’s up?

Español What’s up? In this post I want to give my readers an update of what has been going on with me and with my website. I’ve been gone for a while. Gone from a particular place and gone from my blog and there are good reasons for that and several other things. You might…

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