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Moon Born Teaser

October 15 2018

In this post:

I bet you didn’t know that I wrote a book; it’s called Lizard-Monkeys and Other Stories and it is NOT for children. People asked me what is it about and I had a hard time trying to define it because it is about many things, mostly about identity and gentle satire, but also about cryptids and ghosts, moon colonies and first kisses, but most of all forgiveness, joy, and love. Moon Born is one of the stories in the book, here you see a short teaser of the first draft of the story.  


“My XXgrandmother Judith was born in the island of Puerto Rico in 19XX, my grandfather was born in Chicago, or so they tell me, “boricuas pa’ que tú lo sepas.” It was a strange time, the world was changing, the world is always changing, some times for the worst. My XXgrandmother marched in Washington, DC wearing a pink hat that time when a sexual predator was elected president of the United States. There was a lot of sadness, a lot of destruction then, and people questioned the souls of nations, but the important thing is that the best of humanity finally triumphed, like in a movie, and we moved forward, and we survived. And now, new generations here, on our mother planet, and on the rest of the solar system colonies are starting the painful but joyous task of rebuilding our civilization.”

Would you like to know more about my book?

Check it out here: